General Information

Escape Game!

*Open Wednesday - Sunday

*Fun Family/Group Activity

*60 Minutes

*Ages: 6 + 

*2-8 players

*Price: 2 to 3 people : $20 per person

4 to 8 people: $15 a person regardless of age


Answers to your Questions...

1. What is an Escape Room anyways?

*An Escape Room game is a new form of entertainment that has been gaining popularity over the last 8 years or so. Escape Rooms are interactive, timed, group adventures where you are challenged with different types of puzzles. You must find clues and keys and use teamwork to help you Escape.

It's like a scavenger hunt that includes different puzzles within a maze that you must complete within an hour. It's a hands-on interactive experience.

2. I'm claustrophobic, do you really lock people in?

*No, you will not really be locked in. The way you came in will remain unlocked for emergency exit. The point is to be taken out of your normal environment to explore a new space and have fun with friends and family.

3. How many people can play at a time?

* 2 to 8 can play at once. 4 is a good number but no more than 6 should play at a time in order to have the best experience and chance to escape in the alotted hour of time.

4. Is it family friendly?

*It is definitely family friendly, but please consider that younger children may not be able to follow direction or understand the game play as well. Use your own discretion to decide if the children are capable of participation. There is no discount for different ages. It is the same rate of $15 per person.

At least 1 adult has to be in a room with a group of kids. Generally older teens could probably escape without any adult help, but generally one or more adults are needed. Unsupervised children will not be permitted. In general I would like to see families playing and having a bonding experience together rather than dropping off their kids.

5. How big is the game area/what does it look like?

* There are 3 small rooms that make up one game. The current theme is ‘Tourist Trap”.

I am proud of this new Escape set up and I'm excited to show it to you! This is the best one yet!
The way you will find clues is really quirky, weird and unexpected.  Trust me, you will have a lot of fun!

☆Zeea Darling: Game Master